Unleashing the Creative Power of Human-AI Synergy: Auric Experiences

Exciting news! After four and a half years at WPP as an Executive Director of Marketing Technology, I am embarking on a new adventure of learning.

My time at WPP was filled with incredible experiences, collaborating with exceptional individuals and navigating the dynamic market changes brought about by technology’s impact on communication, experiences, and commerce strategies.

Now, as the convergence of technology and creativity reshapes the industry, I am thrilled to focus my efforts on Auric Experiences, a start up venture focussed on using AI to shape enterprise learning and augment creative potential.

Unlocking the Power of Auric Energy

Auric Experiences has been created with a deep belief in the transformative potential of auric energy. Guided by the concept of the aura as a subtle energy field surrounding living beings, we seek to create experiences that foster harmony, balance, and fulfilment in the lives of our valued patrons through finding the right balance between human creativity and the power of AI capabilities.

I am drawn to using artificial intelligence into every creative project and assignment. I want to see and understand people’s diverse lifestyles and spiritual and metaphysical traditions as ethical practices are unearthed as derive energy and inspiration from the algorithm of creativity to create great things.

Algorithms are powerful tools that aid in idea generation, problem-solving, content creation and amplification. However, there is much work and learning needed to see how AI complements, not replace, human creativity as companies decide to bring in AI work streams.

Embracing Human-AI Synergy

How true creativity emerges from the interplay between human ingenuity and the augmentation provided by AI is a why Auric Experiences is being created to find and explore direct-to-client, agency and service integrator models.

To kick off Auric Experiences, we are involved in two groundbreaking projects for the reminder of 2023 that fit our purpose of learning, creating and having a focus on wellbeing.

Mozaik Play, founded by Gabriel Providel, is a project that addresses the need for a better way for students to find the right creative college—partnering with inspiring and reputable creative arts, design, and digital media colleges worldwide to empower individuals to pursue careers in the creative industries.

Through an AI-infused platform, students can explore and discover, build a community with creative work from students across different institutions, and select the right course to live a creative life. Auric Experiences, as an investor and advisor, shares the vision of empowering students worldwide to follow their passion.

Auric Now:
Another exciting project in development is Auric Now, the world’s first beautiful, connected, and personalised essential oils and diffusing device. Auric Now creates a daily sequenced playlist for your senses, providing a unique sensory experience.

Exciting time to learn

Auric Experiences is actively seeking the opportunity to help create extraordinary and impactful experiences for individuals seeking self-discovery, growth, and well-being. I invite you visit Auric Experiences website and book a time to meet up and discuss where your own AI ideas are at and share and unlock the full creative potential in this era of human-AI synergy.

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